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Sleep And Weight Loss

Sleep and weight loss. Sounds like something you hear on a late night infomercial - just when you get to the bag of cookies because, well, you can not sleep.

sleep and weight loss. Sounds like a dream come true, is not it? The idea may seem absurd, but the researchers found that sleep is associated with weight loss. Despite the common weight loss tips include things like "eat less" and "exercise more", what people often forget is that sleep is as essential to the body. Adequate sleep helps to conserve strength and energy that serves as fuel to help you work all day. During sleep, the body performs a number of functions essential maintenance and repair. When we fail to provide the body with adequate sleep, not work competently.

Ideally, seven to nine hours of sleep a night is important for the mental well-being. A well-rested mind is also able to choose the behavior of healthy lifestyles, compared to a foggy mind and unclear due to lack of sleep. Unfortunately, factors such as long working hours, stress and poor eating habits contribute to sleep problems. An editorial in the Journal of the Canadian Medical Association reported a study in 2010 which revealed that subjects who slept for 5.5 hours lost 55 percent less body fat, and 60 percent of its lean mass those who slept longer. This, in turn, is linked to weight gain and binge eating. To understand how sleep is important for weight loss, let's look at the science behind it.

Sleep And Weight loss : How Sleep and Stress Affects Weight Loss
When stressed, the body releases a hormone called cortisol. Secreted by the adrenal glands, cortisol helps regulate blood pressure and the body's ability to convert sugar into energy. The lack of sleep, as well as factors such as stress and chronic overuse can lead to excess cortisol in the body. Over time, cortisol in the body can cause increased appetite, blood sugar and sweet cravings harmful. It can also lead to insulin resistance. Overeating due to the appetite stimulated can lead to increased fat retention.

Sleep And Weight loss : How Important is Sleep for Rest and Recovery
To maintain a healthy weight, it is important to sleep well. With enough sleep, you are well rested and the body time to heal. This allows you to increase your performance and grow.

 Sleep And Weight loss : Tips for Better Sleep to Lose Weight
  • Exercise your body to sleep better. If you can not go to the gym and do some yoga, dance, or just go for a long walk can help you sleep better.
  • Turn off the TV. People who are glued to the idiot box for hours at night, often complain of lack of sleep. This applies to the computer and the phone too.
  • Avoid caffeine, especially in the late afternoon and evening. This is because caffeine can keep the lightest stage of sleep. This is associated with less or lack of sleep.
  • Avoid stress and take steps to reduce it. Meditate, read a relaxing book, or share their concerns and ideas with friends are some of the ways you can relieve stress.
  • Do not eat too much before going to bed, when and what you eat affects your sleep. Rich, spicy foods can cause sleep disorders. Instead, stick to light meals before going to bed. 

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