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weight loss cucumber - what are you know about it !

 Hera or cucumber plant belongs to the family Luxuriance weight loss cucumber. Binomial name Circumcise sativa cucumber . Hera has many nutrients including energy, carbohydrates, sugars, fats, proteins, fiber, vitamin C, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B is strengthened, and many others. For weight conscious people, the cucumber is the best solution, since the cucumbers completely filled the stomach and avoid taking other foods that are high in calories. The following are the health benefits of cucumber (Hera) weight loss cucumber.

Benefits of Cucumber weight loss cucumber (Cucumber Hera)

For Eyes

You can dramatically reduce dark circles and puffiness around the eyes with cucumbers. It acts as a natural eye for weight loss cucumber mats of eye fatigue,weight loss cucumber and bags.


You can make your skin radiant and healthy to keep cheer in the diet. Cucumbers skin and hydrogen levels, as it is easier for the cucumber to mask all areas that has the problem. It helps to soften the skin and gives a soothing effect. Develop the habit of taking regular cucumber juice, as it is useful both internally and externally weight loss cucumber.

Treating jaundice cucumber for weight loss

Cucumber or Hera is the best in the treatment of jaundice weight loss cucumber. cucumber for weight loss Also promotes urine clean prevents bleeding and urinary tract.

Best for the digestive system

Research has shown that Hera is better for the digestive system as it helps in easy digestion and make your gastric system good cucumber for weight loss.
First, the skin and seeds Hera it. Then mix four or five fresh mint leaves cucumber for weight loss. Add Hera and mint cucumber water weight loss leaves to make a mixture. Beat egg and add to the mixture Hera. Finally, apply this mixture on your face for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water. You will feel a positive change in your skin cool weight loss cucumber.

As you can see from the nutritional value of the cucumber salad,cucumber water weight loss cucumber for weight loss if you want to achieve weight loss is not really a recipe to add to your meal plan. ,cucumber water weight loss Easy to prepare and healthy ideal weight loss highly nutritious.weight loss cucumber Not to mention the excellent and delicious taste!

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